Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Do you really believe that left wing progressives are the champions of equality and human rights?

Isn't it more likely that they are selectively tolerant and at times vindictively intolerant? Isn't it more the case that they are selectively sanctimonious, taking offence on behalf of others where no offence was intended or taken, bleeding hearts for people whose lives they know nothing and care less about? Do they really care about human rights or is this once noble concept being used to pervert the law and turn common sense, fairness and natural justice upside down? Why are they intent on driving Christianity out of public life? Why are they undermining the family and polluting education with their toxic views. If they are so tolerant, why do they campaign so hard to limit freedom of speech (the highest human right) and threaten dissenting voices with isolation, ridicule and punishment? If they had their way certain opinions would be arrestable offences. Oh yes, I remember now. They want their precious pre-revolutionary breakdown of society so that they can turn us all into socialists where there will be equality of misery and the masses can be ruled by the unintelligent few, those who never achieved at anything. Are they not the biggest fascists around? The question is, are you fooled or are you willing to hold fast to traditional British Christian family values? The progressive socialist elite are happy to climb the ladder of privilege and then kick out the rungs so that no one else can follow. Can you see the left for the hypocrites and hysterical intolerants for what they are?

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